Feel free to call any of us with questions. The committee members are listed below, as well as their phone number, skills they can assist you with, and the hours they are available.
Michelle Stotts
432-1272, 6pm - 9pm.
(Interviewing Skills, Job Applications, Resumes)
Judy Rabinowitz
432-6423, 5pm - 9pm.
(Support, Resumes, Job Applications, Interviewing Skills)
Mary Gustafson
432-9258, 6:30pm - 9pm.
(Cobra, Employee rights, Benefit Replacements, Resumes)
Linda Lind
230-5266, 8am - 8pm.
(Resumes, Interviewing Skills, Support, Computer Skills)
Dee McKnight
298-1225, 8am - 8pm.
(Resources, Personal Options, Limited Computer Skills)
Phil Webb
432-4660, 10am - 4pm.
(Support, Personal Options)
The Job Transition Network will meet August 13th, August 20th, and the first and third Thursday's of each month thereafter.